Friday 3 March 2017

The Secret Life Of Pests

The Secret Life Of Pests

Pests are little animals, creatures and insects that are filthy, disgusting and smelly that carry diseases like rat-bite fever and weil's disease  They do damage to people's farms and houses and they commonly eat your gardens and crops. Pests are dangerous creatures.

Rat Bites
Rat bites can cause “Leptospirosis” which can lead to kidney damage, meningitis, liver failure, respiratory distress, and even death. It is spread by cattle, pigs, dogs, rats, and other animals which is really surprising.

Wasp Stings
If people get stung by a wasp, it doesn’t only sting people once but it can sting people a thousand times. A wasp is half the size of its close cousin the hornet.  There is one special thing about wasps, it can’t die. It can only die if people kill it.

Spider Bites
Spider bites are one of the most deadliest bites on earth. Some are non-poisonous and some are poisonous. The most poisonous spider in the whole world is the “11 Recluse Spider.” Spider bites can cause big lumps, itchiness and also kill people.

Horse Fly
Female Horse flies are aggressive and can bite. It is dangerous to the human health. Female House flies can transfer blood from another animal or human to their feeding habit. Male horse flies do not drink blood but they feed on pollen. Female horse flies apparently are attracted to such things as moving and shiny surfaces so they actually live in houses.

Concluding Statement
Pests are creatures or animals that are dangerous to our environment. Pests  damage things and destroy crops and houses. We do not like pests.

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