Wednesday 18 October 2017

Combining Colours!

How do you change colours by using two separate colours?

Firstly, draw two or three circles on a cardboard or on the cover of a pad paper and use a ruler to find the centre of the circle and put a line through it. Colour one half of the circle green and the other red. Colour the other two circles half red, blue or green. Two colours can combine into one colour when the circles are spun.

Find the centre and mark the middle. Measure two centimetres across the middle and mark it with a pencil. Punch the marked dots on the circle with a nail. Cut out the circles and put a one metre string through the holes. Put another circle behind the one that has been put in. Glue the two circles together and tie a knot on one side of the string. Turn the circle and let a friend hold your circle. At this point when it is spun fast, it can change colour. For example green and blue makes turquoise and red and green makes yellow or orange.

The faster the spin, the more likely a colour change will be observed.

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